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This Edition Contains
June 2021
June 2021
What Does ‘Good Sleep’ Mean, Anyway?
What Does ‘Good Sleep’ Mean, Anyway?
Katmai National Park and Preserve
Katmai National Park and Preserve
What Is Cottagecore?
What Is Cottagecore?
Dry Tortugas National Park
Dry Tortugas National Park
Bon Voyage!
Bon Voyage!
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Badlands National Park
Badlands National Park
Tips for Better Sleep - Dos
Tips for Better Sleep - Dos
Tips for Better Sleep - Don'ts
Tips for Better Sleep - Don'ts
Putting together your homebuying dream team
Putting together your homebuying dream team
How to pick your team
How to pick your team
How Five Star Award Winners  Are Chosen
How Five Star Award Winners Are Chosen
Canadian Bacon, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich
Canadian Bacon, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich
Bakes Sweet Potato Frittata
Bakes Sweet Potato Frittata
Potato, Sausage, and Broccoli Anytime Casserole
Potato, Sausage, and Broccoli Anytime Casserole
Warrior Two
Warrior Two
Tree Pose
Tree Pose
Seated Forward-Fold
Seated Forward-Fold
Cottagecore AV Club
Cottagecore AV Club
The Big Disconnect
The Big Disconnect
Baked Sweet Potato Frittata
Baked Sweet Potato Frittata
Potato, Sausage, and Broccoli Anytime Casserole
Potato, Sausage, and Broccoli Anytime Casserole
Tips for Better Sleep - Don'ts

Tips for Better Sleep - Don'ts

written by Mye Brooks

Booze before bed. That glass of wine might make you feel sleepy, but it can keep you from staying asleep.

Caffeinate. Got the post-lunch head-bobs? Take a quick walk and drink water before you down a soda,
coffee, or energy drink. The afternoon espresso can impair sleep for hours longer than you may realize

Nap. If you must, keep it to 20 minutes. People who nap longer have more trouble sleeping at night.

Caffeinate. Take sleeping pills or supplements without consulting a doctor. Even over-the- counter sleep aids can be dangerous if misused.